Monday, November 05, 2007

BuzzLogic Launches Innovative Advertising Platform - Combining Buzz and Ads

BuzzLogicEarlier this year I had the chance to sit down with the BuzzLogic executive team for an interesting interview. As many of you know, one of my passion areas is analytics and BuzzLogic provides a tool that helps companies and individuals track "buzz" around the online space. This is what Technorati should have been. Last week I had the chance to speak with them again and learn about their new advertising platform launching today.

Tonight they launch what I believe is an excellent addition to their service offering. When a company uses the BuzzLogic monitoring service, they can track who is talking about their product/service (the influencers and the conversations) and monitor the buzz. BuzzLogic has their own ranking systems and provide a more rounded view on what's going on. Just because a blog is ranked 1st for a specific term/category does not mean they will rank the same across any topics they cover. I like this because it allows their clients to see everyone who is speaking about a specific product, not just what some top x list says.

Their new offering is an advertising platform build on top of Google AdSense with other ad networks coming in the near future. The idea is simple in description: once you find out which blogs are talking about your product, you want to advertise your product on those sites to reinforce the message. The actual ad creation process is the same as with AdWords, actually it's exactly the same except it's in the BuzzLogic framework. The real difference is the site targeting. You use the BuzzLogic service to select the sites based on the analysis you have completed. Then you buy ads on those sites. You can see a sample screenshot of the pre-AdWords piece below.

I asked about sites that aren't using Google AdWords and basically those sites won't be available for purchase. As I noted above, more networks are coming soon they tell me. What I don't know is if a site has site-targeting off, what happens. I have site targeting off but would like to be included in the ad buys.

It's an interesting way to "join the conversation" - it's not as effective as actually joining the conversation in comments and reaching out to the writer, but it is a way to get a message out to specific sites discussing a specific product or service.

If you remember back to when the iPhone dropped price and Nokia had some keyword buys, this tool would work well for that type of ad purchase - Nokia could select the blogs that are influencers around the iPhone and get quick access to their readerbase.

One of the quotes they sent over after our conversation comes from Lending Club, a company covered many times on CN. Renaud Laplanche, founder and CEO says, "Social media is becoming the go-to place for our potential customers to learn about Lending Club as they seek advice and information regarding personal finance. BuzzLogic makes it possible for us to target our advertising placements in association with those personal finance conversations, creating a greater value in our advertising spend."

Again, this should be viewed as a complement and not a replacement to joining the conversation. But it is a powerful complement.

Here is a sample of the interface for selecting the "influencers":
