Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Cloud Is Your Furryoptics Best Friend, Strangely Turns Me On [Furryoptics]


MIT mobile experience lab's latest experiment is The Cloud, a pseudo-organic life form made of carbon glass that perceives humans using hundreds of sensors. It responds with sounds and light, using more than 15,000 individually-controlled optical hairs. That's 40 miles of fiber optics inside this 13-foot long furry. After seeing it in action, I have to admit that there's something strangely sensual and even erotic about it. Or maybe it's just the pretty girl in the tight pink dress caressing it in the video.

The Cloud is located in Florence, outside the Fortezza da Basso, so if you are around the area soon, don't forget to give it a big hug from us. [Design Boom via Cool Hunting]