Five Best Antivirus Applications [Hive Five]
The internet is a glorious and exciting world, but unless you're properly protected with a good antivirus application, it can also be a dangerous one. We've come a long way since the days of Norton, with handfuls of excellent freeware software that can keep your computer safe from malware just as well as their bloated, more expensive counterparts. On Tuesday we asked you to share your favorite antivirus application, and today we're rounding up the five most popular answers. Hit the jump for an overview of the five best antivirus applications and to cast your ballot for the best antivirus app of the group.
AVG Anti-Virus (Freeware and Shareware)
NOD32 (Shareware)
Avast Antivirus (Freeware and Shareware)
Avira AntiVir (Freeware and Shareware)
Kaspersky Anti-Virus (Shareware)
Now that you've seen the best, it's time to vote:
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This week's honorable mention goes out to ClamWin, the only open-source option featured in the bunch.
If you've got more to share, whether your antivirus-app of choice made the list or not, let's hear more about your favorite in the comments. If you give a new antivirus app after reading through some of your other options, you may want to check out the harmless EICAR virus test to see what your new antivirus tool looks like when it catches a new virus.
Adam Pash is a senior editor for Lifehacker who loves a good antivirus app. His special feature Hive Five appears every Thursday on Lifehacker. Subscribe to the Hive Five RSS feed to get new installments in your newsreader.