Bring Romantic Business Time Anywhere with Portable Conmoto Suitcase Fireplace [Portable Fireplace]
Fireplaces are great for ambiance, but generally not portable. Kooky German design firm Conmoto, who brought us the bookshelf fireplace back in December, has solved the portable problem with the Travemate Portable Fireplace. At 55 lbs. it will require a little effort to cart it from room to room, but we think the resulting night of intimacy, wherever it happens to be, will be well worth the strained back.
The Travelmate boasts some environmental benefits too. The small fuel tank uses bio-ethanol, which burns for 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
The aluminum and glass casing is also weather resistant, making this an acceptable addition to the backyard barbecue. That's a romantic barbecue, mind you. And it better be romantic, with a $3,300 asking price. [Unica Home via Inventor Spot]