Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Recordr Creates Quick Webcam Videos for Sharing [Webcam]


Need to capture something on your webcam real quick? Free webapp Recordr offers both bookmarklets to snappily enable your webcam and microphone, as well as an upload service to embed or link your social videos, no registration required.

The quality's nothing to write home about, and the site itself has a few rough translations (and even mismatched language on one or two control buttons). But it's literally a three-click recording process, from the bookmarklet to allowing Recordr's app access to stopping the video whenever you're done. If you don't sign in and assign any tags or naming to the videos (or audio-only recordings), they can remain fairly anonymous and easy to pass around (not that we're trying to give you any unscrupulous ideas here). The site seems to want to have you record your video in reference to a web site you're perusing, but we find the super-fast video recording the main attraction.

Want to quickly set up two-way video chat? Try the previously mentioned TinyChat's instant rooms for that. Recordr is a free service, no sign-up required.