Rumor: 8MP Motorola Shadow To Be Droid2 [Android]
Those in the know have been tapping their noses wisely, whispering that the Shadow will be the successor to the Droid—the Droid2, if you will. Latest speculation includes the addition of an 8MP camera with 720p video capture.
This comes after Nokia dropped its N8-shaped bomb last week, a 12MP-equipped, 720p-shooting phone. There may be a few extra megapixels on the N8, but the Shadow has one massive feature going for it—Android. Specifically, Android 2.2, known as Froyo.
The Shadow has resurfaced this week as it's been submitted to the Wi-Fi Alliance, with specs such as the 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen, mini HDMI output, and 512MB memory leaking out. [Ameblo via PhoneDog via Recombu]