Are You a Netflix Customer? Wal-Mart Will Give You a Gift Card [NetFlix]
Are You a Netflix Customer? Wal-Mart Will Give You a Gift Card [NetFlix]
In 2005, Wal-Mart and Netflix teamed-up to ward-off Blockbuster: Wal-Mart ceased renting DVDs online, and Netflix promised never to sell physical DVDs. According to a court case, that agreement violated antitrust laws—which means Netflix customers are owed money.
Wal-Mart chose to settle the case, and will gift Netflix customers who become class members of the case a gift card, or maybe even a check. They're said to be spending between $29 million - $40 million making this issue disappear. Only those living in the US are eligible, but taking into account there's 16 million Netflix customers in the US and Canada, that's still a lot of people who could be in for a lump-sum. [PaidContent]