SearchReviews Lets You Read Tons of Product Reviews by Scanning Barcodes with Your Phone [Downloads]
iPhone/Android/web: There's no shortage of product review aggregators on the net, but new service SearchReviews adds a convenient feature to the formula: Now you can just scan a product's barcode with your phone to read reviews from all around the web.
Search Reviews is an incredibly simple app: just open it up, search for a product, or scan a product's bar code with your phone, and it will return to you a very long list of product reviews. It doesn't give you a ton of control over where you grab those reviews, nor how you sort them, but its beauty is in its simplicity. If you neglected to do your product research before visiting the store (or didn't foresee the options you'd have once you got there), it's a really nice, quick way to see if a specific product has any popular issues or unhappy customers.
Search reviews is a free service on the web, as well as a free download for iOS and Android devices.
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