The Best Apps of the Week [Video]
In this week's app roundup: songs, made EPIC; DSLRs, controlled by Androids; trail maps, downloaded to your iPhone; photos, edited by a touch; sharks, made interactive; Rdio, iPadified; Skype, also iPadified; notifications light, customized and much, much more.
The week's best iPhone apps
GLMPS: When you snap a photograph, you're capturing a frozen moment in time. But what if you captured the wrong moment? You're never getting the better, not snapped photograph back! GLMPS is an iPhone app that captures a video clip of the few seconds before you snap your photo so you'll always have a memory of what was going on before. Sort of like a mix between GIFs and those pictures in Harry Potter! With GLMPS, there's a bit more context to those blurry iPhone shots you've expertly managed to take but forgotten where you took them. Free
The week's best Android apps
Ultimate Sharks: SHARKS! It's Shark Week folks and that means a constant loop of scary shark videos, lovely shark bites and messy shark attacks on TV during dinnertime. But you want MORE sharks don't you? You want to know what makes these beasts tick even though you don't want to take a dip with them. It's understandable. The Ultimate Sharks app, made by Discovery as a pseudo-companion app to Shark Week, gives you lists (10 deadliest sharks), tons o' videos, high res pictures and even 3D interactive sharks that respond to your touch. $5
See the rest of this week's best iPad appsWe are so crazy about apps right now you wouldn't believe it. If you have recommendations, tips, or just want to let us know about your own app, drop a note in the comments or shoot me an email.