Tuesday, August 23, 2011

drag2share: Sol Republic Tracks Headphones Review: Are $100 Headphones Allowed to Sound This Good? [Video]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5833381/sol-republic-tracks-headphones-review-are-100-headphones-allowed-to-sound-this-good

Sol Republic Tracks Headphones Review: Are $100 Headphones Allowed to Sound This Good?Sol Republic is a new headphone company whose roots lie in a product you're all well familiar with: Beats by Dre. But unlike those $400, bass-happy cans, the Tracks headphones only cost $100.

Why It Matters

When it comes to headphones that aren't earbuds, Sol Republic thinks up until now you had two options: Buy a relatively crappy pair for somewhere around $50-75, or shell out at least $200 for a decent pair. At $100 Sol Republic has positioned their Tracks headphones firmly between those two classes.

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