Tuesday, September 13, 2011

drag2share: Photo Academy App Teaches You How to Be a Better Photographer [IPhone Apps]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5839557/photo-academy-app-teaches-you-how-to-be-a-better-photographer

Photo Academy App Teaches You How to Be a Better PhotographerYou could have a fancy DSLR, an expensive lens, a sturdy tripod, an extra battery pack, heck even a gnarly camera bag but if you don't know how to take pictures, you don't know how to take pictures. Photo Academy is an app that teaches you how to take better snappies.

It's like a tutorial app, or a how-to-in-an-app, that covers the basics like how to hold your camera and what tweaking ISO and exposure do to more complex instructions like professional photographer tips and editing ideas. There's literally hundreds of different tips for various situations along with ideal camera settings to maximize your pictures—basically, if you're an amateur photographer, you're bound to learn something.

You can even add your photos to "track your progress" though it's sorta unnecessary given that the app's goal is for you to take pictures with your DSLR and not your iPhone cam. $1 [iTunes]

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