drag2share: Host Web Pages for Free within Dropbox with DropPages or Pancake.io [Dropbox]
Source: http://lifehacker.com/5860139/host-web-pages-for-free-within-dropbox-with-droppages-or-pancakeio
Looking for a free and simple way to get a basic website up? Here are two webapps that can help. Both DropPages.com and Pancake.io use a shared Dropbox folder to host your web pages, making creating and editing your pages very quick.
Pancake is the simpler and more basic of the two services. To create your web page, simply save a plain text file with your web page content to the Pancake folder within Dropbox. You don't need to know HTML to format the page, but can instead use simpler Markdown formatting (see the Markdown cheat sheet). You could also save HTML, PDF, or Microsoft Office files in the Pancake folder for others to access in their browsers.
You can get started with Pancake.io in minutes, really, and the biggest benefit is that when you want to edit your pages, you just do them on your computer and, thanks to Dropbox magic, the site will be quickly updated. To link to your Pancake.io-powered website, you can embed the Pancake Javascript snippet for your site in another website or just link directly to the pages created in Pancake.io (the URLs look a little awkward now, but the developers say a custom domain name option will be coming soon).
DropPages works similarly but adds a few different features, such as website themes, friendly URLs (yourname.droppages.com), auto-generation of navigational elements (so all your pages in the DropPages folder are linked), and custom domain names (you can use IWantMyName.com to buy a custom domain and point it at DropPages or configure the CNAME record at your domain registrar to do that; a custom domain and up to 1GB of space costs 5 pounds a month). Pages are formatted using Markdown, but you can also use HTML.
Note that with both services, you're subject to Dropbox limits on data transfers. For free users, it's 10GB per day and for Pro, 250GB. Users whose Dropbox public links go over these limits will be automatically suspended. So these webapps may be really cool for hosting a small site (perhaps something you just share with friends or co-workers), but not for a major website.
Pancake.io | via How-To Geek
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