Friday, June 08, 2012

This Modern Island Home Is Entirely Powered by the Sun [Design]


This Modern Island Home Is Entirely Powered by the SunGreat Barrier House, built by Crosson, Clarke and Carnachan in New Zealand's Great Barrier Island, is a sustainable solar-powered home constructed of sustainably-sourced timber in deference to its ecologically-sensitive island surroundings.

Despite its open frame and floor plan, Great Barrier House maintains a comfortable temperature all throughout the year, thanks to the low E glass that provides reliable insulation no matter the season.

This Modern Island Home Is Entirely Powered by the SunMost impressive: The fully solar-powered home has had as many as nine laptops in use simultaneously, all without ever making use of the backup generator that is on hand just in case.

This Modern Island Home Is Entirely Powered by the SunThe fireplace, Inhabitat reports, has been used only once by the client—to generate ambience rather than for warmth!
