Now that hackers have sunk their teeth well and truly into the Microsoft Surface RT, loads of things are being probed, including lag. Apparently, with a tiny registry edit, you can speed up the Surface RT no end and eliminate touch lag. Here's how.
Simply put, for some reason Microsoft's built in some lag or latency into the touch experience of the Surface RT, and you can nuke it with two simple registry edits.
As with all things registry and Windows, back up your shit first, OK? Then bust out the Registry Editor (hit the start screen and type "regedit"), find the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TouchPredict ion
Change "latency" from 8 to 2, and "sample time" from 8 to 2. Voila, your Surface should be faster. If all that was a bit much for you (why the hell are you messing with the registry, then?) you can download the required changes to inject into the registry automatically with a double click.
If you're a heavy user, you might notice some battery life decrease after the change, as the device is polling the screen a lot more, but considering the Surface RT has pretty decent battery life to start with, it's probably not an issue. Check out the full details of the hack over at the XDA forums. [XDA via TechRadar]