Saturday, January 05, 2013

Here's Proof That Wearable Tech Is The Next Big Thing


wellie boots

People today are already pretty much inseperable from technology, whether it's a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. 

But that's not stopping innovators and creators from coming up with ways to bring technology even closer to us. 

Google Glass is probably the most well-known wearable tech item, but other examples include a pair of boots that charge your cell phone, and a glove that allows deaf and blind people to send text messages.

Drum Machine t-shirt lets you make beats on the go

What: Electronic Drum Machine T-shirt

How it works: The drum pads on the front of the shirt let you tap out a beat using your fingers. The shirt also comes with a mini amplifier that clips on to your pants.

Cost: $29.99

This solar-powered bikini soaks up sun rays to power your smartphone and other small electronics

What: Solar Bikini

How it works: The bikini, which is equipped with photovoltaic film strips, absorbs sun rays to charge your phone and other electronics. It's also waterproof!

Cost: Anywhere from $500 to $1,500

Glove One acts a cell phone, but it's not going to keep your hands warm, unfortunately

What: Glove One

How it works: The glove has a slot for a sim card to make and receive calls. On the underside of each finger, there are numeric touch keys for making phone calls. The speaker on the thumb and microphone on the pinky allow you to mimic the standard method of holding a phone while making a call.

Cost: Not for sale, but you can learn how to make your own for about $340 here.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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