Fedora 19 Schrodinger's Cat released with 3D printing, Developer's Assistant, paradoxes
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/02/fedora-19-schrodingers-cat/
Fedora 19 Schrodinger's Cat may have a name that suggests it's both alive and dead, but there's no uncertainties about its release -- the finished Linux distribution is now available on Fedora's servers. The oddly-nicknamed OS mostly improves content creation. It beats Microsoft to the punch on 3D printer support by including object design and printing tools; budding programmers will also like Node.js support and a Developer's Assistant that simplifies learning new code languages. While there's many more updates than we can list here, it's safe to say that Fedora 19 is a big update for many Linux fans, whether or not they appreciate Schrodinger's quantum mechanics. You can grab the new build and its release notes at the source links.
Filed under: Software
Via: Muktware
Source: Fedora Project (1), (2)