4K 12-inch tablets are going to be a thing and Japan Display can prove it
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/23/japan-display-4k-tablet-lcd/
If the iPad mini's new Retina Display didn't quite hit the spot, maybe 4K tablet displays from Japan Display will. Panasonic's already managed to slather its hulking 20-inch tablet in the same resolution, which was a feat in itself. But let's consider something a little more handheld friendly -- something that's not going to smash through our glass coffee table. The unified forces behind Japan Display (including Sony, Toshiba, Hitachi) have announced that they've squeezed 4K resolution (3,840 x 2,160) into a 12.1-inch TFT module, creating a screen with a retina-piercing 365 pixels per inch. Revealed to display obsessives at the FPD International 2013 exhibition in Japan this week, the press release adds that the new screen module remains power-efficient and suitably thin too -- possibly the perfect business complement to the company's incoming White Magic 1080p smartphone screens. All the full technical details can be found at the source link below -- remember bring your Japanese dictionary.
Filed under: Displays, Tablets, HD, Sony
Source: J Display (Japanese)