Sunday, April 06, 2014

drag2share: DJI brings its smooth video tech to the ground with Ronin camera gimbal


DJI's best known for its versatile photography drones, but the company's bringing its stabilization technology to ground-based shoots with the Ronin camera gimbal. The compact device, which appears to be a more consumer-friendly version of last year's Movi Freefly, is designed to work with a variety of compact cameras, from DSLRs to a Red Epic. The handheld gimbal is based on the firm's ZenMuse tech, which you'll find in select camera copters. A single videographer can control the rig, or you can have a second operator manage pan and tilt wirelessly. Ronin can be configured in less than five minutes using a companion smartphone app, which enables auto calibration after balancing the camera. Pricing should come in under $5,000, and DJI says to expect the device to ship later this quarter.

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