Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This Is What Painting In Virtual Reality Looks Like


Tilt Brush app

Virtual reality is on its way, and it won't be just for gaming.

A great example is Tilt Brush, which is an exciting new app for the Oculus Rift that lets you paint in virtual reality.

Tilt Brush takes advantage of VR's unique characteristics by allowing you to create beautiful three-dimensional paintings using virtual paint, smoke, stars, and light.

In order to paint in all dimensions, Tilt Brush lets you rotate, flip, and reposition a grid that operates as a stationary plane in space.

For example, if you wanted to paint the ground of a forest, you would adjust the grid to be parallel with the virtual ground; if you then wanted to paint a tree, you would simply rotate the plane 90 degrees.

Tilt Brush Gif 2 large

When you're finished with your virtual creation, Tilt Brush will let you export it to a GIF form so you can share it, according to The Verge.

Tilt Brush is created by San Francisco design studio Skillman & Hackett, and while Tilt Brush is still just a prototype, they've already won a Proto award for their virtual reality user interface.

Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for the consumer edition of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset in order to try Tilt Brush for yourself. But in the meantime, you can check out another stunning creation below, or check out the full demo video here.

Virtual reality can't come soon enough.

Tilt Brush virtual reality painting GIF

SEE ALSO: The Best Apps For Your New iPhone 6

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