E Ink announces a color breakthrough, but it's only for signs
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2016/05/24/e-ink-announces-a-color-breakthrough-but-its-only-for-signs/
While it's just as low-power as you'd expect, ACeP isn't as sharp as E Ink's black and white technology yet, which can reach up to 300 pixels per inch. ACeP only has a resolution of 1600 x 2500 pixels, which clocks in at 150ppi. It also takes a full two seconds for the display to refresh. Still, ACeP is a significant move for E Ink, which for years has been struggling to develop color displays that can go against increasingly sharp OLED and LCD screens. With Qualcomm's Mirasol technology floundering, ACeP could end up being the color ePaper solution we've been waiting for.
Source: E Ink (PR)