Thursday, May 10, 2007

Investors Pour Funding Into ProVina Whose 2006 WinePod Sold Out

winepod logo.png San Jose-based ProVina, maker of the WinePod personal wine brewing device, has raised $4M in the firm's first outside investment. The round was led by VantagePoint Venture Partners. The company's board includes Cypress Semiconductor CEO TJ Rodgers.

WinePod is a wireless web-connected device that allows wine snobs to mix their own wines. The price is $3,500 per unit plus shipping. WinePod is a 2-foot tall insulated metal egg with a 2-ton metal press and automatic temperature control that ferments your wine. It can take from a few months to a year or more for your wine to distill. Your batch should yield about 6 cases. Your dashboard tells you to adjust pH or temperature, add water, etc. Clearly there is no practical reason to own won but so many people these days are showy with their wine collections, this is the state of the art in keeping up with the Joneses.

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View - Winepod site


Tibco Ponies Up $195M For Analytics' Spotfire

spotfire logo.png TIBCO Software [Nasdaq: TIBX] says it will buy Spotfire in an all-cash $195M deal. Built on Microsoft’s .Net architecture, Spotfire is designed to allow business users to analyze and publish corporate reports without needing help from the IT department and to get data quicker and with prettier graphs than they were used to. Spotfire says it has over 800 active customers. Investors in Spotfire include Atlas Ventures.

spotfire grab.png


Analysis: The New Math - How Did MySpace Value PhotoBucket

photobuket.png If we had a dollar for every time we see someone roll their eyes about the return of the "bubble." Folks don't want to see companies get bought at valuations that are stretched thin. They don't want to see another Mark Cuban created. Why? Because the bubble aftermath sucked. We all knew the bubble was nuts at the time but Blodgett, Meeker and Co. told us to chill.

With that in mind, we think the discussions over the valuation of PhotoBucket and other big deals are somewhat important. If the deal is officially confirmed at $300M, that is 50x trailing revenue and over $17 per monthly unique visitor.

Mike Arrington calls the $300M (with earnout) that MySpace paid for PhotoBucket a steal. His logic is that: + Google paid $1.65B for YouTube. By the time the deal closed, the Google stock was worth nearly $1.8B. MySpace paid 1/5 of that. YouTube had little revenue, while PhotoBuckets projects it will make $25M in 2007. Photobucket has 80% of the visitors that YouTube had when it was acquired. + MySpace got a discount when it cut off PhotoBucket's users before the deal to show who wears the pants.

+ In a more recent post, he hedges, however, that PhotoBucket and MySpace might have 100% user overlap, so for $250M its gets no new users.

+ Valleywag accuses TechCrunch of being a shill for PhotoBucket's iBankers Lehman Brothers. We don't have any way of assessing this information.

Henry Blodget takes the case even further, arguing that PhotoBucket could barely give itself away, a dramatic statement he agrees.

Counterpoint is Microsoft's Don Dodge who instructs Blodget and Arrington to come to their senses:

"At some point the end user of all these free services is the same user and they can't be monetized any further no matter how many new services are added. Advertisers will eventually figure this out. Ad rates will drop. Revenues will drop...and stock prices will drop. It is all about the stock price. No one cares about real revenues and earnings as long as the stock price is high.When stock prices drop everyone along the chain starts to rethink their assumptions about value and ROI. The changes ripple all the way back up the food chain. The individual stockholders get more conservative and move out of bubble stocks. The Internet companies stop acquiring because their stock price has deflated. The entrepreneurs stop agreeing to acquisitions because the rewards are less. The VCs stop funding new startups because the risk/reward ratio doesn't work.

We have seen this before. It was the nuclear winter that lasted from 2000 to 2003. It is amazing how quickly we forget. As I always say "fear is temporary...greed is permanent"

HipMojo joins the naysers arguing that PhotoBucket is no YouTube. His point here is that Photobucket is just a utility and does not command attention.


(Over) Counting Widgets

I got an email from a friend the other day.

"Did you see that Clearspring has served 3bn widgets in the past five months?"

I hadn't actually seen that news, but here is the press release my friend was referring to. It's clearly an impressive number and Clearspring is doing some great things in the widget market.

But before we start putting Clearsping in McDonalds territory (billions served), let's get something straight. Serving widgets generates huge numbers quickly.

All you need to do is look at Photobucket, Slide, and RockYou's numbers for their photo/slideshow widgets to see how powerful the widget model is. I don't have access to the actual numbers for these three photo widget services and I'd prefer not to print the rumors I've heard, but I'd venture a guess that their numbers for widgets served each day will make Clearspring's 3bn number look tiny.

I do know the numbers for FeedBurner's widgets and they are well north of what Clearspring is serving. But this post is not about whose you know what is bigger than whose.

It's about the challenge of understanding what is what in the widget market.

Max Levchin, Slide's founder and CEO, is one of the most thoughtful people in the widget market and I've had some conversations with him about the challenges of measuring widgets. He's frustrated that there isn't good third party data on the widget market. I've also talked to the team at comScore about this issue because it's starting to become an issue everyone is paying attention to and there just isn't good data yet.

You can get unique visitor counts from comScore on widgets like Photobucket, Slide, and RockYou, but what does it mean? Here is the comScore data on the photo widget sector (the top three players).


Are those 18mm uniques that are attributed to Photobucket being seen on Or are those 18mm uniques the number of people that are being exposed to the Photobucket widget wherever it is being embedded (MySpace, Beebo, etc). I don't know the answer to that simple question, but it's an important one.

And what's the right number to look at? Should Photobucket get credit for having an audience that sees its widget on other services pages? When that page includes five to ten other widgets? Or should it just get credit for those who interact with the widget in some way?

The bottom line is we need better numbers on widgets, we need some standards, and we need them now.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

17 ways to beat Google - Search innovations and who is doing them

Nitin Karandikar sent me a link to his post on "Top 17 Search Innovations outside of Google" which reviews 17 different approaches to web search innovation. He also lists some of the companies leading the way in each area. Web search is a very popular topic for writers and bloggers. Charles Knight maintains a list of the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines and updates it monthly.

Web search is big business. Microsoft's Live Search is third in market share with about 10% of all web searches and it generates hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. It is no wonder that VCs and entrepreneurs are investing lots of time and money to discover The Next Big Thing in search.

Of all the approaches described by Nitin and listed by Charles Knight, I think three are promising; Natural Language Processing, Local Search, and Cell Phone Voice Search.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been around for a while. The idea is to get users to ask questions in conversational style, and then parse that question using NLP techniques to divine meaning and context. The problem is that most users only enter two words in a search...sometimes three words. No matter how sophisticated your NLP technology is you aren't going to gain a lot more context from two or three words. The real secret power of NLP is realized by applying it to the search index...not the search term. Meaning, analyze all the web pages in the index with the NLP and add lots of meta tags, meaning, and context to the index. Then when search queries come in you can match the keywords to the much richer index. Powerset is doing some ground breaking work in this area.

Local Search is a huge market. The easy part of local search has already been done. The big search engines have developed crawlers to crawl all web pages, parse and extract local identifying information, and cross reference it to other online data. The problem is that over 50% of small local businesses don't have web sites. A great local search experience requires that ALL local businesses are included and that the index be updated regularly. CitySquares Online is a Boston based startup attacking this problem.

Cell phone voice based search is an obvious opportunity, but very hard to do. It requires great voice recognition technology, a well organized local search index, a high quality voice response system, and special screen rendering technology to display the results on the cell phone screen. Parts of the technology exist today, but no one has combined all the pieces into a great user experience. This is a huge opportunity with no clear leader.

OK, now back to Nitin's list of 17 search innovation areas. Please go to his site to get more detail on each one. Unless you are a search geek like me you may find this stuff boring, but here are the categories;

  1. Natural Language Processing
  2. Personalization
  3. Vertical Search
  4. Multimedia Search
  5. Restricted Data Sources
  6. Domain Specific Search
  7. Parametric Search
  8. Social network filtering
  9. Human directed search
  10. Semantic search
  11. Discovery linked search
  12. Classification, Tags, Clustering approaches
  13. Results visualization
  14. Results refinement and filters
  15. Specialized search platforms
  16. Related searches
  17. Search agents

What do you think? Who will be the next Google? Which approach to search will provide the most value? Place your bets and you could be the next search billionaire.