Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Phreetings - Create Photo Greeting Cards with Flickr Pictures and Your Text

Amit: The interface is intuitive - search the images from Flickr database (you can also limit search results based on Creative Commons license), add some text and the photo card turns into a webpage.

Here's a sample greeting card created from the the profile pictures of MyBlogLog visitors.

Thanks, Amit!



Mike Linksvayer: April’s most sophisticated Flickr/CC mashup yet has relaunched with angel funding as with cool tools to find and reuse CC licensed photos in lightboxes, cards, and more.

Thanks, Mike!


Phreetings have color schemes!

PRIMARY red blue yellow SECONDARY green purple orange


Geek Chic: The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff

Geek Chic: The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff

12 min 47 sec ago by GeekSugar

If you haven't noticed the ads for the new The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff across the Sugar Network recently I suggest you take a gander. The game, which is available for order now, allows you to dress up your Sims in H&M® clothing collections for men and women with The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff. Your Sims characters can choose from FabSugar-approved H&M® fashions, then play with retail-themed items like mannequins, clothing racks, cash registers and even walk the runway. It's a real makeover from the days of plain Jane Sims clothing and adds a fun, girlie touch to the game. I dare you to not get addicted.

The game requires The Sims 2, The Sims 2 Special DVD Edition, or The Sims 2 Holiday Edition to play.


Vyew: Free Live Web Conferencing

yvew.jpgFree online web conferencing service Vyew launched earlier this year. Today, they’ve launched a new version that allows users to create “VyewBooks” to share, present, and interact with other people around content such as Microsoft Office files, pictures, audio and video.

The new version includes tools to facilitate the creation of new presentations and also supports a desktop view for live sharing of files, images, and web sites.

A widget-style tool “Vyewlet generator” allows content to be embedded on any website, a screencast tool of sorts that records collaborative work for demonstration elsewhere.

Henry Hon, CEO of Vyew compares the new version directly with competitors: “Vyew isn’t just another WebEx or GotoMeeting where information is communicated in a canned one-to-many format. Vyew is an enterprise-class social computing platform where people can also create, share, and participate with rich content in a many-to-many relationship, both in real-time and asynchronously over time.”

There are a lot of alternatives in this space and competing with the likes of WebEx and GoToMeeting is a challenge in itself. Vyew offers something a different a little different at a competitive price.

Previous TechCrunch coverage here.
