Friday, September 07, 2007

Lawmakers Take Aim At Boom In Frivolous Patent Disputes

UPDATE: Lawmakers Take Aim At Boom In Frivolous Patent Disputes
Dow Jones

SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones) -- When Apple Inc. released its vaunted iPhone in June, critics were intrigued by its cutting-edge form touch-screen technology. Barely a month later, a doctor from Iowa publicly claimed he'd actually come up with the idea first, and he filed a patent-infringement lawsuit.

Apple (AAPL) and other big technology companies have long complained that such suits are frivolous -- and are becoming far too commonplace. They've taken their case to Congress, which will soon consider legislation intended to rein in patent litigation and its related costs. The House is expected to begin debating the proposed Patent Reform Act on Friday, while the Senate is expected to take up the issue soon.

Passage of patent reform would certainly placate many technology companies, while angering critics who fear a trampling of the property rights of relatively powerless inventors.

But its effect on occupants of the space in-between -- the holding companies thriving on gathering patents and enforcing them with lawsuits -- is uncertain. Branded by big technology companies as "patent trolls," for supposedly buying up patents for no reason other than to threaten lawsuits and collect cash settlements, these companies aren't easily legislated out of existence, attorneys and experts say.

"The legislation will lessen their threat to defendants, but it won't lessen it to the extent it will go away," said Bruce Rose, a partner in the intellectual property practice at Alston & Bird LLP in Charlotte, N.C.

Patent holding companies range from high-profile operations such as Acacia Technologies Group, to lesser known SP Technologies LLC -- which holds Des Moines, Iowa-based Dr. Peter Boesen's patent in the disputed case against Apple. A lower-profile, but nonetheless prominent, player is Plutus IP LLC and its various affiliates, which have drawn the ire of firms from Intel to Toyota by blanketing hundreds of defendants with patent suits.

Versions of patent reform working through the House and Senate include limits on districts where plaintiffs may sue, and on the amount of damages that may be awarded for infringement claims. The Coalition for Patent Fairness, a group whose members include Apple, Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and others, has been an outspoken proponent.

"Every once in a while an issue comes along where a consensus emerges that something needs to be done, and this is now in that category," said Mark Isakowitz, a spokesman for the group.

But the drive to enact new laws has raised questions about what constitutes abuse of intellectual-property principles, and whether the government can, or should act against patent trolls.


Kelly Hyndman, an intellectual-property lawyer with the Washington firm of Sughrue Mion PLLC, argues that the Patent Reform Act would weaken patent rights in favor of big corporations.

"No one looks at real-estate investors who speculate as trolls," he said. " They're admired for what they do."

Hyndman said companies that seek out high-quality patents have a right to maximize their value -- in court, if need be. And, he said, there should be no requirement that the patents be used to make products. "Other people shouldn't have the right to tell you what to do with your intellectual property," Hyndman said. "This is America."

In effect, Hyndman said, the legislation could water down the value of all patents, and in turn hinder the sort of original thinking and competitive drive that went into them in the first place.

Patent-holding companies often legitimately lay claim to simply maintaining the value of patented ideas.

But there's also "a cottage industry of people who go out and acquire patents solely for the purpose of bringing these suits, and with the hope that they will never have to go to trial," said Rose, the lawyer wit Alston & Bird LLP. Instead, he said, such holders hope for a high volume of settlements from companies wishing they'd just go away.

However, the proposed patent reform in Congress would, at best, "lessen the impact that patent trolls have," by limiting settlement amounts they can demand, he said.

For example, one proposal advanced as part of the legislation is to calculate damages based only on the specific contribution of a patent to a product. Under existing practice, awards are often based on the value of whole products.

Microsoft, for example, lost a $1.5 billion jury decision in patent litigation with Alcatel Lucent last February, which was based on worldwide sales of it Windows software, not just on technology within that software related to the patent. That decision was later reversed.

Critics say that by addressing problems that patents create only after they've been issued, the Patent Reform Act misses the point. "A lot of these problems go away if you clean up what's coming out of the Patent Office," said Greg Aharonian, a patent consultant in San Francisco.

Patent Office examiners are overwhelmed and work under less than ideal conditions, Aharonian said. That's a factor in the issuance of low-quality patents, which leads to proliferating infringement suits, he said.

In July Aharonian went as far as suing Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, for appointing a deputy director of the Patent Office who Aharonian and fellow plaintiffs say has an insufficient background in patent or trademark law.

The Patent Office has said it is now aggressively hiring examiners to increase the quality of issued patents, at a rate of more than 1,000 new examiners per year.

In a prepared statement Thursday, the Bush administration said it supported some elements of the Patent Reform Act, including the establishment of a limited period during which a patent's validity can be challenged outside of a costly court dispute after it's issued. It criticized other elements, such as blanket directive that would limit damages.

A 'form of hold-up'

Companies in the pharmaceutical industry, which relies heavily on the value of a relatively small number of patents, have actively opposed the reforms. Even the technology industry is divided, with some companies that rely on patent licensing joining the opposition.

Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) , for example, is a member of The Innovation Alliance, which opposes the Patent Reform Act. It holds an extensive portfolio of patents in cell phones, and has litigated extensively in an effort to uphold that portfolio's considerable value.

Shortly after the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a modified version of the measure in July, the Innovation Alliance complained that "the bill will still erode, not strengthen, patent protections, thereby dampening innovation and stifling entrepreneurship."

But proponents of reform say the real aim is to curb what they say is an illegitimate, and growing, form of business.

Many patent holders know that the large companies they sue are willing to pay out settlements in the $1 million range -- because going to trial can often cost them "on the order of $4-to-$5 million," said Mark Lemley, a Stanford University law professor.

"It's a form of hold-up, and it results from the fact that patent litigation is expensive," Lemley said.

Still, the legislation may have limited effect on such tactics, said Kristie Prinz, an attorney in Los Gatos, Calif.

"The reality is there's not that much proposed yet to significantly damage this business model," Prinz said. "It's the litigation system, not the patent system, that is fostering this."

Some observers say it would be easy to circumvent the legislation's limits on venues where plaintiffs can sue. That's because a plaintiff could establish at least a nominal office in a district where they would like to litigate in the future. Plutus IP, for example, established offices in Texas and Wisconsin court districts, prior to filing patent suits there.

Hyndman, of the firm of Sughrue Mion, acknowledged that "a reasonable market correction" may be called for in the patent system. But passage of the Patent Reform Act, he said, moves too far away from inventor rights, and in favor of corporate rights. Adds Hyndman: "Whether it goes too far remains to be seen."

  (END) Dow Jones Newswires
09-07-07 0541ET
Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

IPhone: TV Out on iPhone Coming Soon via Software Update?

tvout.pngThe Apple Store page for the component AV cables—which up until now only supported the iPod classic—lists both the iPod touch and the iPhone as supported devices. What's up with that? The iPhone doesn't support TV out. Well, seeing as the iPod touch is also there, and since the touch and the iPhone are almost exactly the same, it makes sense that while adding TV out to the touch, Apple will go ahead and add TV out to the iPhone as well. Either that or this is just a mistake in the page. [Apple via Wired]


iPhone Rebates & Power Of The People

The $200-price cut announced by Apple (AAPL) yesterday turned into a bit of a PR disaster for the company. The cuts penalized the fanboys (including yours truly) for being early adopters, and prompted iPhone owners to express their outrage across the web and beyond. In an interview in USA Today, Steve Jobs remarked:

That’s technology. If they bought it this morning, they should go back to where they bought it and talk to them. If they bought it a month ago, well, that’s what happens in technology.

Now there’s a way to annoy the people who have stuck by the company through thick and thin. Today, realizing that Apple’s goodwill was at risk, Jobs announced a $100 credit to all early iPhone buyers, promising to do the right thing.

Is it really the right thing? Not in the classic sense, because unlike the 14-day-returnees, you aren’t getting cash back. It’s a sop, really — albeit an admittedly good-natured one — since the $100 you get back is only good for another Apple product.

Therefore, we have decided to offer every iPhone customer who purchased an iPhone from either Apple or AT&T, and who is not receiving a rebate or any other consideration, a $100 store credit towards the purchase of any product at an Apple Retail Store or the Apple Online Store. Details are still being worked out and will be posted on Apple’s website next week. Stay tuned.

I wonder if Steve Jobs’ open letter, and the $100 credit, would have happened in another time when social media tools weren’t as prevalent as they are today. Regardless, the good thing is, Apple listened.


Polls: Facebook Picks an iPod

Augustine: talk about real-time stats...  these products were announced yesterday and we are getting real user data which corroborates iPod Touch will do great for Apple, men most prefer the Touch while women most prefer the Nano, and customers of all ages prefer the newly released iPods (with screens) to the Shuffle

ipodtouchthewinner.jpgAfter weighing all of the GB options and touchscreens versus scroll wheels, we're still not completely sure which iPod or iPhone to get yet, but those profile-happy kids over at Facebook seem to know. With a commanding 31% of the votes the iPod touch is the victor this time around. Although that doesn't tell you the whole story does it? Now for the poll breakdown.


• By Gender•

While the iPod Touch did win in overall votes, women actually preferred the iPod nano more. The tiny competitor received 32% of their votes. And the poor shuffle, no matter what gender, only picked up 4% of the votes with either sex.


• By Age•

With the 13-17, 18-24 and 25-34 crowds all favoring the iPod touch, there seems to be a trend going on here. Although the aging Facebook'ers, 35-49, gave the finger to the iPod Touch (Get it? The Finger. Touch. Sorry-BL) and heralded two new winners, the iPod nano and the iPhone both coming in with 30% of the geriatric vote.

Picture%209.png[Facebook ]


The Tech Industry Wants You To Support The Fight For Fair Use

Popout Listen very carefully to the copyright statement in this clip. Thinking about discussing last weekend’s game with family and friends? The NFL clearly states that viewers cannot talk about the game to anyone without permission

Insane statements like this, and others, are the target of a FTC complaint by the Computer & Communications Industry Association, a group backed by Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Oracle and a range of other leading tech firms (full list here). The complaint argues that statements made by groups such as the NFL are illegal and deceptive, as ultimately viewers have rights under the US Constitution by way of Fair Use.

The CCIA isn’t stopping at a FTC complaint alone: they want your support in backing consumer rights to fair use. A new site, Defend Fair Use, has been launched and comes complete with copyright abuse examples and a petition that can be signed in support on the CCIA’s case before the FTC.

For those not familiar with the term, Fair Use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders*, or in laymen’s terms it allows anyone to use a clip, extract, or part thereof of copyrighted material in our own works, for example quoting a book in a blog post, displaying a snippet of a presidential debate in a video etc. The concept of Fair Use is based on free speech rights provided by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Commonwealth equivalent of Fair Use is Fair Dealing.

There are any number of causes floating around the tech industry. The more left wing inclined may support movements including Creative Commons; many of these movements tend to be anti-copyright. The fight for Fair Use is not one that is anti-copyright; fair use does not disown copyright nor seek to overthrow it and replace it with some sort of Utopian socialist vision of a free for all where content creators would no longer be able to own their works. Fair Use is about allowing, as the name suggests, fair use of copyrighted materials in a free and open society, be that by the press or by content creators such as bloggers and others. It’s a noble cause, if only because the alternative is absurd. Would we want to live in a society where you would need permission to discuss a football game due to copyright restrictions?

Those interested in signing the petition can do so here.

(in part via Ars)
