Monday, September 10, 2007

RFID implants linked to animal tumors

VeriChip -- and other vendors -- have been busily implanting radio-frequency ID (RFID) chips in human and animal subjects ever since the FDA approved the process. But a series of studies conducted from 1996-2006 noted a high incidence of dangerous tumors arising at the sites of RFID implants -- something the FDA apparently did not consider when it approved the procedure.

Cancer or no, I wouldn't go near an RFID implant. These things don't have off-switches. They don't have disclosure policies. They don't have logs, or even notifiers. That means that you can't stop people from interrogating your RFID, you can't choose who gets to interrogate your RFID, you can't see who has polled your RFID -- and you can't even know when your RFID is being read. You wouldn't carry normal ID that behaves this way, but from London's Oyster Card to the DOT's FastPasses to the new US passports, these things are being stuck to our person in ever-greater numbers.

And while manufacturers claim that these things have inherent security because they can only be read from a few centimetres away, hackers have already ready them at more than 10m distance.

Leading cancer specialists reviewed the research for The Associated Press and, while cautioning that animal test results do not necessarily apply to humans, said the findings troubled them. Some said they would not allow family members to receive implants, and all urged further research before the glass-encased transponders are widely implanted in people.

To date, about 2,000 of the so-called radio frequency identification, or RFID, devices have been implanted in humans worldwide, according to VeriChip Corp. The company, which sees a target market of 45 million Americans for its medical monitoring chips, insists the devices are safe, as does its parent company, Applied Digital Solutions, of Delray Beach, Fla.

Link See also: How thieves steal RFID-enabled cars HOWTO disable your new, RFID-laden US passport CA bill would ban forced subdermal RFID-tagging of humans HOWTO make an RFID virus Report: "contactless" credit cards with RFID are easily hacked DIY self-RFID-chipping HOWTO, Wed. Jan 4 at Dorkbot in NYC HOWTO build an RFID skimmer Hello Kitty anti-RFID skimming sleeves Personal firewall for the RFIDs you carry Interview with RFID implantee Former Bush official signs up for RFID implant How RFID hackers can steal gas, cars, and office access HOWTO turn a disposable camera into an RFID-killer UK RFID passports cracked US Passports to get RFID chip implants in 2006 US starts issuing RFID passports, despite security concerns Audio from Bruce Sterling's "Arphid nor RFID" rant Why RFID-chipped US passports are a bad idea Why new US passports can be read without permission US govt admits RFID passports are danger to Americans


Weekend Feature: The How of Habbo Hotel

Augustine: one of the oldest online multi player "worlds" around How did a small Finnish company create an online world which now boasts the largest current active user base in Europe and North America (about 6.5 million)*, far larger than World of Warcraft (around 4.5 million, not counting its Chinese audience)? Last week, Sulka Haro of Sulake Labs flew all the way to the Game Developer Conference in Austin, Texas to explain how the teen-oriented, Shockwave-driven Habbo Hotel has grown from a tiny 2.5D space of two rooms into a massive place that last year made an estimated $77 million in annual revenue. (Much smaller earnings than Blizzard's WoW, to be sure, but then, Sulake has a staff of just 300 to Blizzard's 2700.)

Gamasutra was on hand to take great notes, which is a good thing, because very few developers reportedly attended Haro's talk. (The phenomenal success of Habbo Hotel continues to be criminally under-appreciated by the game industry.) Reading Gamasutra's coverage, I've gleaned five takeaways that strike me as most valuable.

Old School Ages Better

Originally launched in 2000 as a two room space made to promote a Finish pop group, Sulake was surprised to find the place swamped by international players who couldn't even speak the language; they retooled and expanded as Hotel Goldfish, then re-dubbed to become Habbo Hotel. Throughout that time, Habbo has retained the same look of blocky, pixel-heavy, 2.5D graphics.

"It's actually served us pretty well," says Haro. "If you think about 3D games from seven years ago they look pretty terrible. And the kids who play this game don't even know what the word 'retro' means. It's just another look to them." Upgrading to 3D graphics (the game industry assumption) would have required enormous development costs, and by requiring a better computer to run, cut out much of their audience.

More Revenue Streams, not Less

Initially launched with premium SMS as a payment model for virtual furniture, Sulake had to tweak this scheme to prevent hacking, then when they went opened in UK in 2001, where few kids had cell phones back then, changed to selling virtual currency. They've added "rare item" sales, external advertising, and other revenue channels, and a wide variety of ways for kids to pay. This is in marked contrast to most other MMOs, which are generally tied to a single major stream. Not a good idea, especially when dealing with an international audience. "Credit cards and prepay cards are cool — but they just don't cut it in the global market."

Roll with the Churn

To me, the biggest surprise is just how many Habbo accounts have been created, in relation to active users: 80 million to 7.5 million. (Parenthetical: this is roughly the adoption rate of Second Life, which is 12-15%, and I suspect most other free account-driven worlds, too.) Haro evidently didn't address Habbo's high churn rate at GDC, but what's striking is that it hasn't mattered to its popularity. My guess is that the turnover is a necessary part of it, as kids experiment with numerous different avatars, before finding the community and the identity they want to stick with.

Different Countries Mean Different Audiences

Haro mentions a fascinating demographics analysis of players according to personality types (Rebels, Creatives, Achievers, Loners, Traditionals), and unsurprisingly, these vary according to nation. (The US has a lot of Achievers, and Japan, a lot of Loners.) This suggests that content and experience should be tweaked to cater to these types, and to national expectations around them. At one point, Habbo's Japan area was swamped by Finns, leading to "a total catastrophe — the Japanese locked up their rooms and didn't allow people in their rooms unless they had a Japanese name." As a result, Sulake closed off the Japan region until its users had grown large enough not to feel overwhelmed by outsiders.

Another key demographic: Habbo is 51% boys and 49% girls, a rare gender parity that's surely crucial to its success as a social game.

Think Play Space, Not Game

Haro calls Habbo a "gameless game", adding "I'm very proud that we have this core gameplay without going out and killing monsters." Instead, they've created a number of themed rooms and let the players devise their own games around them. Habbo users have joined together to run their own roleplay areas, and the company keeps a light hand on community management, because then, "the players forget that the player-created content is the core of the world."

The reason this has worked so well, he speculates, is because it serves a deep need for adolescents. "If you look, little kids will play for hours… but teenagers are reaching the age where that's not socially allowed anymore. We're providing an environment where that's OK." (Also a philosophy behind Gaia Online, the US-based teen MMO showing amazing growth.)

If there's anything more interesting than the actual Habbo Hotel talk, it's who didn't really attend it: the game industry. GDC is the preeminent conference for both the creative and business sides of it, but according to several attendees, Haro's presentation attracted but a tiny audience, especially compared to a re-tread presentation on WoW, which was packed. "It was downright shameful how few people were at this keynote," veteran game designer Raph Koster moans on his blog. Koster has been the industry's biggest advocate of merging 2.0 principles to games, but he's still a largely solitary figure. "This was stuff that the crowd here needed to hear."

"Most of us are slow," fellow MMO vet designer Scott "Lum the Mad" Jennings acknowledges in his own worthy GDC wrap-up . "We obsess over what the big news was last year, much like hidebound militaries that always train to fight the war that they just got finished with." By that logic, maybe the industry will be ready to hear about Habbo Hotel in 2008– but as I've argued, it's probably way too late for them already.

  • The Gamasutra post puts Habbo at 7.5 million active users; in May, it was 7.9 million, largely from the EU and North America, with about a million, interestingly enough, from Latin America. See image, from Habbo spokeswoman Susan Mills.

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Powertip: How To run multiple versions of the same program on your PC

8 September, 2007 | written by mark | 11 comments Posted by makeuseof guest-writer Mark O’Neill

I was asked in the comments of a previous post how I managed to run multiple versions of Skype at the same time and while answering him, I thought it was worth turning my answer into a post. It isn’t just Skype that this can be used for. You can also use this method to run multiple versions of your favourite instant messaging program (if you have more than one ID) or multiple versions of your internet browser if you have more than one email account with the same provider.

With the Windows operating system, everything runs under a user account which you log into when you boot up the computer. Say for the purposes of this discussion, my main default user account on my PC is MARK_1. Well when I boot up the PC in the morning, MARK_1 will load and all programs I subsequently use will run under MARK_1.

But I sometimes help out a friend who runs a virtual telephone answering service through Skype. So obviously only one Skype line isn’t going to cut it. To open more Skype lines (without having to log in and out of Windows all the time), here’s what you do :


First, you need to set up more Windows user accounts. To make this simple, I’ll name them MARK_2, MARK_3 and so on. Since I have a German language computer, I can’t really post too many screenshots and I am unsure of the terminology on an English language computer so I will describe it to you in general terms and perhaps you can tell me the exact wording. In the Windows start menu, you have a “System Setup” option and in there is an option called “User Accounts”. This is where you maintain your Windows accounts, including the main administrator account.

Just open that option up, choose the new account option and set up as many new accounts as you need. YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOG OUT OF YOUR CURRENT USER ACCOUNT TO DO THIS! Plus you need to have administrator privileges to set up new accounts. So trying this at work is probably not a good idea as your IT department will probably not appreciate it.

runas.gifOnce the accounts are set up, go to the desktop icon (or the start menu link) of the program you want to start again and choose “run as”. This will open up a sign-in box with a drop-down list of your user accounts (which by now should contain the new ones you have just created). Just choose another account, enter the password (if you set one up during the account creation process) and the program will instantly open again under that new windows user account.

Using this method, I have run up to five Skype lines simultaneously and the ICQ chat program three times (although I am sure more is possible if you have the CPU capacity to support them all). As I said before, you can also use this method to run more than one Firefox browser to check email accounts or perhaps you want to be logged in as two different users in a social network? The possibilities for running more than one Windows user account is endless.

Can you think of other scenarios where running more than one user account would be beneficial? Let’s hear it in the comments!


Record Industry Proves Again How Much They’ve Lost The Plot

recordindustry.jpgWarning: this is so stupid you might need to be sitting down.

The latest brainwave from an industry that continues to bleed revenue is the Ringle: a product that combines the single format with ringtones.

Each ringle will contain three songs: one popular track, a remix, an older track from the same artist and a ringtone. Distribution method for the Ringle: a CD with a slip-sleeve cover.

Reuters reports that the idea is that if consumers can download any ringtones they want, why not let them buy them on CD.

Sony BMG Music and Universal Music Group will release 50 and 20 titles respectively in October and November. The CD’s will sell for either $5.98 or $6.98. Distributors will include BestBuy, Wal-Mart, Target and Amazon.

I’m nearly speechless. The CD Single is dead and the Record Industry believes that people will spend near $7 on buying a Ringtone and single on a CD. I think the multitude of Ringtone sellers and even Apple has nothing to worry about.

(image credit: icanhascheeseburger)


Sony CMOS News: New Sony CMOS Sensor Set To Revolutionize Videography And Photography

sonycmos.jpgAt present, capturing still images at a high resolution cannot be done by freezing and cutting video recorded content at specific frames. If this is attempted a blurry image, or one with low-resolution shall result. Sony has plans to launch a new CMOS sensor that will make the above circumstance a thing of the past. A prototype of the new sensor, shooting at 60fps, was able to render staggering 6MP still images.

Even though the barbarian that is the Casio Exilim has managed to pull off a similar feat, this development ensures that CMOS sensors could eventually become the preferred technology in cameras/video cameras, as the two slowly become integrated. This endeavor has the ability to make a massive impact on the industry. Professionals will no longer have to concern themselves with one art form over the other; instead, the distinction between still images and video capture are set to blend into one seamless continuum. Though this is unlikely to make the camera obsolete entirely, we do not think that is the goal. Giving people more options that are usable are the main desires of such advancing technologies, and this promises nothing less. We have our eyes well and truly peeled for when this advancement hits the mainstream. At present, both Sony and Casio seem to be dithering around the prototype stage, even if Casio have a sexy looking case for that tasty CMOS number, who will hit first with a working model is anyone's guess. [Product Page via TFOT].