Friday, August 08, 2008

Website Not Loading in Firefox? Try Again, Automatically


website loadingWhen browsing web pages in Firefox, it often happens that the site you’re trying to access doesn’t load in one go.

May be the web server is down momentarily or there was too much load or maybe your own Internet connection dropped. Whatever be the case, such issues are often temporary and get resolved as soon you press F5 to reload the same web page.

connection timeoutIf you work with too many browser tabs, a better alternative to F5 could be Try Again. This is a Firefox add-in that will continuously try connecting to web pages that didn’t open successfully in the first instance.

TryAgain v 3.2 - Thinks of this as robot pressing F5 every 5 or 10 seconds.

And if the web server fails to respond even after several tries, you can always see a copy through Google Cache or the WayBack Archive.

Related: What To Do When Websites Fail to Open

Website Not Loading in Firefox? Try Again, Automatically - Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal


Toshiba Flash Chips Doubled to 32GB, Good for PMPs, Cellphones [Flash]


Toshiba has announced it's beefing-up its line of NAND flash storage chips to 32GB sizes. The new package combines eight 4GB 43-nanometer chips into one—double the previous generation's capacity—and is specifically aimed at the portable device market. Since it can be dropped into existing slots, manufacturers have to make no specific changes to accommodate the new chips. Toshiba, of course, doesn't name its clients, but suffice it to say Apple is on the list. The new chips will be available as samples in September, with bulk production starting soon after. [Electronista]


Sylvania's G Netbook Meso toyed with on video


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We still can't get over the fact that Sylvania is selling a netbook, but all weirdness aside, the unit deserves the same hands-on attention given to most all of its biggest competitors. According to initial reports, the 8.9-inch Sylvania G Netbook Meso sports an atypical (albeit appreciated) matte display, an expectedly cramped keyboard and a smooth-as-butter trackpad. Need proof? Hit up the read link for a smattering of hands-on shots and a brief video.
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Video: Aigo's Patriot MID released, demonstrated inside elevator


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Right on schedule, Aigo's 800MHz Atom Z500-powered P8860 MID (aka, the Gigabyte M528 for the US and Europe) is hitting the mean, retail streets of Hong Kong today. With it, we've got a bit of video showing off the new pen+finger-based MIDLinux (aka, Midinux) GUI which looks far better than it did when we went hands-on with the Gigabyte back in March. All in all, this 4.8-inch MID with Bluetooth, WiFi, sliding QWERTY, 4GB SSD, microSD expansion, and GPS and HSDPA data options is looking quite righteous for that $700-ish price tag and early reports coming out of UMPC Fever. Now bust out the xylophone and get ready to play along with the video posted after the break.

[Via Pocketables]

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NVIDIA pays Transmeta $25 million for LongRun technology


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A select bunch of Transmeta investors may not completely agree with how the outfit is being managed, but one thing's for sure: it's bringing in some serious coin on this deal. During a brief timeout from counting those stacks of Benjamins handed over by Intel, it decided to license its Long Run and LongRun 2 technologies (among "other intellectual property") to NVIDIA for a cool $25 million. Additionally, the agreement grants NVIDIA a "non-exclusive and fully paid-up license" to all of Transmeta's patents and patent applications. Unfortunately, it's still unclear how exactly this will end up affecting NVIDIA fanboys (and girls), but we'll go out on a limb and suggest that a mobile GTX 280 with a remarkably low power draw is just around the bend.

[Via SlashGear]
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