Friday, August 08, 2008

The Scorpion, An Eco Car That Doesnât Look Like A Fridge


Environmentally friendly car usually look ugly, but a car being is released that doesn’t look like a cardboard box and is actually stunning. Designed by Austin-based automotive design and manufacturing company Ronn Motor’s, here comes the mighty Scorpion, a hydrogen fuel injected hybrid.

This innovative car utilises the new ‘hydrogen on demand’ technology, which generates water from the inbuilt tank, turns it into hydrogen and then injects it into the car’s system. This system allows fuel mileage to increase by between 20 to 40% and reduces carbon emissions to nearly zero. Coupled with its awesome design, the Scorpion will surely become a reference in the exotic performance car segment.

The Scorpion will be available in 2009 and can be yours for “only” $150,000. Who said you don’t have to be rich to save the planet?

Source: Ronn Motors



Mobile Subscribers Forecast to Top 5 Billion-Mark by 2011


A few days ago, I pointed out that India was finally getting its 3G act together by coming up with a liberal licensing policy that will boost mobile broadband in that country. A similar scenario is playing out across China, Brazil and Russia, which together with India account for a major chunk of the global mobile footprint.

That is one of the main reasons why Infonetics Research is expecting that by year 2011 there will be one mobile broadband connection for every four wired broadband subscribers. The Campbell, Calif.-research firm made some other bold predictions, among them:

  • Worldwide mobile subscribers will hit 5.2 billion by 2011
  • Cellular mobile broadband subscribers will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 104 percent between 2007 and 2011.

The research firm claims that WiMAX is going to play a role in the spread of mobile broadband as well.I checked with the firm to get more clarifications on the cellular mobile growth.

They said that the number of worldwide cellular mobile broadband subscribers (not including WiMAX or SMS) will more than triple in 2008 from 2007 and to continue ramping quickly through at least 2011. They went on to point out that “with an expected mobile subscriber base passing the 5 billion bar in 2011, which will be migrated to both 3G and 4G networks, there is a lot of potential for mobile broadband subscribers to outnumber wireline broadband subscribers in the long term ( in the 2015-2020 timeframe).”

As high-speed wireless pipes become commonplace, we can expect this new platform to spur innovation just like wired broadband. The availability of high-speed access over DSL and cable resulted in the formation of Skype, YouTube and Facebook. Despite the carrier chokehold on the networks, innovation will soon start to thrive in the wireless broadband world as well.

If this story interests you, check out our upcoming conference:
Mobilize — Mobile Web Today and Tomorrow


Bringing 3D TV to the Home


Forget HD. In its perpetual quest to provide bigger and better entertainment (and to sell new gear), the consumer electronics industry is pushing 3D televisions. But first it needs to figure how to deliver the 3D tech and what types of standards need to be set so the experience is the same as that of 3D movies. The Entertainment Technology Center at the University of Southern California said it has formed a 3D working group to solve some of these issues, and plans to make an announcement regarding the group in the coming days.

The effort, chaired by a representative from Dolby Labs, will also involve the major movie studios and consumer device makers. A spokeswoman for the ETC said each year the center focuses on a new technology, and this year that focus will be 3D for televisions. “3D is going to become more and more pervasive and we need to know how to carry it all the way from the theater into your home and what products will be best for the consumer in the end,” she said.

We’re eager to learn more, and 3D is certainly on the minds of movie makers. Last month, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers formed a 3D task force to address the appropriate standards to deliver 3D content to the home via cable, DVDs, the web and other formats. My guess is if we think HD content requires a lot of data, 3D is going to blow our bandwidth caps out of the water.

Hat Tip to EEtimes

photo courtesy of nickstone333 via Flickr


Google Sites to Replace Google Page Creator


google Google Pages is still a part of Google Labs but this web page creator software will never get a chance to graduate from labs as it is getting replaced by Google Sites - a new product similar to Google Pages but with a wiki.

Google has stopped accepting new sign-ups for Google Page Creator though existing users can continue using the product like before.

However, all your files, images and web pages stored in Google Pages will get shifted to Google Sites later this year. This may be a concern for some as it will lead to broken links because Google Sites and Google Pages follow a different URL structure.

A big difference between Google Page Creator and Google Sites is that the former lets you upload HTML pages that are created externally - this is something you’ll really miss when the Google Pages to Google Sites transition is complete. Thanks Satish.

Google Sites to Replace Google Page Creator - Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal


Show Large Images with Deep Zoom Composer - Video Tour


deep zoom composer Deep Zoom Composer is a free software from Microsoft that lets you place high resolution photographs and other large images in a web page without resizing them.

Your viewers can then navigate through the images using standard zoom and pan controls similar to what we have in Google Maps. The only thing they would need is Silverlight*.

It take three steps to create a composition (or collage) in Deep Zoom Composer.

Step 1: Import your pictures into Deep Zoom Composer.

 Import Pictures

Step 2: If you have just one picture to showcase, you are ready to go. Else your may arrange and resize the pictures in any manner you like. There’re are helpful on-screen guides to help you with the alignments and resizing.

Arrange Pictures

Step 3: The last step is to export your composition. You can either export them onto your local drive or let Deep Zoom Composer upload it to Microsoft’s PhotoZoom website from where anyone can view your pictures.

 Export Deep Zoom

You may also watch this screencast video on how to quickly create a composition with Deep Zoom Composer.

With Deep Zoom Composer, you can not only put high-res images on the web but the software can also be used for stitching panoramas on the fly. Just select the images that are part of the panorama, right click and select "Create Panoramic Photo."

Deep Zoom Composer | Get Silverlight | Photo Zoom | Team Blog

If you have Silverlight on your machine, check this photo gallery of Vista wallpapers made with Deep Zoom Composer. Click anywhere inside the image and use your mouse to pan or zoom.

*If you are looking for some non-Silverlight options for embedding large photos, check out Google Maps Viewer and Zoomify.

Show Large Images with Deep Zoom Composer - Video Tour - Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal