Saturday, June 27, 2009

TouchFLO 3D 2.5 Tricks Us Into Getting Excited About Windows Mobile, Again [Skinning]

TouchFLO 3D 2.5 Tricks Us Into Getting Excited About Windows Mobile, Again [Skinning]

We've got some screenshots of the new version of HTC's TouchFLO 3D, which should be debuting on the Firestone. HTC's gone ever deeper into WinMo's UI, including every settings screen. Basically, you'll hardly know which OS you're using.

TouchFLO 3D 2.5 also allows for more customization than before, including three user-defined buttons on the home screen. Hopefully we'll be seeing it in action sometime in August. Check out the video below to see it in motion, though be warned: Them fellas aren't speaking English. [PocketNow


Friday, June 26, 2009

Microsoft Might Sell Windows 7 On Flash Drives, Spare Netbook Owners Needless Pain [Windows 7]

Microsoft Might Sell Windows 7 On Flash Drives, Spare Netbook Owners Needless Pain [Windows 7]

CNET has a source saying Microsoft is considering selling Windows 7 on flash drives, making installation on netbooks—a declared target for the OS—much simpler. In case you were wondering, Microsoft, this would be greatly appreciated. [CNET]


Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking [Advertising]

Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking [Advertising]

Amnesty International has installed a new anti-domestic-abuse ad fixture in Hamburg, Germany which is equal parts clever and shocking: when you look at the photo, it's a smiling couple; when you look away, it's a dude punchin' a lady.

The billboard works by scanning its proximity with an eye-tracking camera, which triggers an image switch on the display panel when it senses someone looking at it. The change only occurs after a brief delay, so that observers understand what's going on, and get the message.

It's a fantastically effective concept, and a brilliant use of technology. Kind of sad, then, that it's probably award bait, and doomed to be a lone installation, according to Copyranter. [Copyranter via Dvice]


Zune HD to Cost Between $249 and $280 in September? [Unconfirmed]

Zune HD to Cost Between $249 and $280 in September? [Unconfirmed]

Neowin talked to an alleged "software engineer" on the Zune team who revealed that the 16GB Zune HD—though its price is not finalized—should run somewhere between $249 and $280 this September (a date that was rumored previously.)

The interview is filled with lots of other interesting rumors, however, including that Microsoft is considering not only 16/32GB models but a 64GB Zune HD as well. (There was no speculation as to the price of such a mega model). If the Zune is your bag, be sure to read the full interview over at Neowin. [Neowin]


MiLi Pro Turns Your iPhone Into a Projector [IPhone]

MiLi Pro Turns Your iPhone Into a Projector [IPhone]

The MiLi Pro is a LCOS, LED-driven projector for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Simply pop your iPhone into it and it can put a screen up on your wall.

It's got a 640x480 resolution, so it probably won't look all that good at 70 inches, which is why they recommend 40 tops. Also, at 10 lumens, you'll be lucky to get 30 inches in a dark room.

The whole thing is rechargeable and has VGA and RCA inputs as well as a dock connector. Look for it to drop in September. [PhoneSuit]