Wednesday, September 01, 2010

How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos [Backup]


How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos Syncing your iPhone doesn't backup your photos, and if you're not in constant sync you could easily lose them in a crash. Here's how to jailbreak your iPhone and set up an automatic photo-syncing process.

Necessity is the mother of invention as usual. Of course, I didn't create any of the software to do this, I just put them all together to make them work for me. Props to TurboFTP for their awesome FTP client. You will also need Google's Picasa Photo Manager which is free (except for additional space if needed in your Google account).

Now, before you get entrenched in this, be aware, you will need to have already jailbroken your iPhone (see Spirit, ZiPhone, or keep an eye on the jailbreak tag page) so that you can SSH into it…and for the love of God, CHANGE YOUR SSH PASSWORD WHEN YOU DO JAILBREAK YOUR IPHONE! {Gentle word of warning :)} Along with the usual disclaimer: These instructions are provided at your own risk and no warranty as to their functionality is either expressed or implied and I will not be held responsible for any actions arising thereof. Now, where were we? Oh yes….

The only reason that I even had to do this is because I am too lazy to connect my iPhone to my PC and back up my photos over iTunes. Well, it ended up biting me in the ass because my iPhone had to be hard reset because some tinkering on my part and I lost 4 months of photos and videos! Oh well, lesson learned. Regardless, I knew that I still wouldn't connect my iPhone routinely to upload my pictures to my PC. I searched on the Internet to see if there were anything out there that could do this for me and I couldn't find anything. Here is what I did so that my photos are backed up every 2 hours to the web.

Step 1

Download and install TurboFTP. It allows secure FTP connections to your jailbroken iPhone and has an additional function that I will mention later. Also, download and install Google Picasa.

Step 2

Open TurboFTP and click the "Scheduling Clock" at the top of the screen. We are going to make a backup schedule and tell it where to place the files.
How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 3

Click the "Add" button to add a scheduled task.
How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 4

Enter the "Site" as your iPhone IP address (If you haven't assigned your iPhone a static IP address on your network, do it now). Also, set the port as "22″ just like in the screenshot below.

Your Remote Folder for pictures on your iPhone should be the same as mine: /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM

Your Local Folder can be wherever you want to store the pictures after they are copied to your workstation from your iPhone. Preferably a folder within your "My Pictures" folder.

The Launch Time will default to the current time.

Set the Repeat Task to however often you want your iPhone photos to be backed up to your workstation.
How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 5

Choose the Synchronization Direction as "DOWNLOAD."

The Synchronization Scheme should be set to "Add only new files to destination". This is the part that in was mentioning earlier. TurboFTP allows for the option to compare the photo files on your iPhone with your workstation and only copy the latest files…Cool!

Check the box for "Include subfolders."

How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 6

Click the "Excludes Filters" and enter the following exclusions below just as they are and click "OK."
How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 7

Then click the "Include Filters" and input the settings below and click "OK". *Please note: even though these files will be copied to your workstation, they will not be sent to the web later. Only JPG's will be synced to the web.
How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 8

Click "OK" on the "Schedule Task Settings" window.

Go ahead and test the copy/backup by clicking the "Run Now" button on the Task Scheduler screen.

If all is successful, the FTP client will have connected to your iPhone, compared the files to what is in the current directory on your workstation and copied the files to it that did not already exist.

If that didn't work for you, recheck all of the steps and screenshots above to ensure that your IP address and port are correct as well as the synchronization settings.

Still, not working? Rinse and repeat.

Step 9

Now comes the easy part.

Remember in the beginning of the steps where you installed Picasa? Oh, you didn't do that yet? Ok, well do it now…ready?

You will need to have a Google account of some sort in order to upload the files to your Picasa account so make sure those settings are in there.

We're going to have to rely on some common sense at this point. This is where you need to setup Picasa to recognize the directories where you are copying the iPhone photos. Most likely, Picasa has already located your "My Pictures" directory and it is listed in Picasa.

If that is the case, you will need to set up sync capabilities to the web from within Picasa. Do this by toggling the "Sync to Web" to "On".

Occasionally, as you take more pictures with your iPhone, new directories will invariably be created on your local workstation. Although TurboFTP will see this and create the new directories, Picasa will not sync the new directories unless specifically told to do so. So you may have to occasionally set the sync option to "On" for any new directories created in the future.

How to Wirelessly and Automatically Back Up Your iPhone Photos

Step 10

So that's it! There you have it. Now you can take comfort in knowing that your iPhone photos are not only being backed up locally to your workstation but they are also being synced offsite. Sure, this does rely on WiFi within your own home, but it's what works for me and I'm quite happy with it. I wish that there were a way to upload any new photos via 3G and I'm sure that someone's already thought of it and working on it. Hope this is helpful to someone else out there that has run into the same issues as I have with protecting their iPhone photos!


Best Text Recognition Tool: ABBYY FineReader [Hive Five Followup]


Best Text Recognition Tool: ABBYY FineReaderLast week we asked you to share your favorite text recognition tool—more formally known as optical character recognition (OCR)—then we compared them all. Now we're back to highlight the most popular text recognition tool.

Leading the pack with 31% of the vote was ABBYY FineReader, a powerful OCR tool with features to spare. Following ABBYY FineReader was Evernote and OneNote (28%), grouped together because their OCR functionality is strongly secondary to their primary purpose as a note-taking tools.

Rounding out the Hive Five was Adobe Acrobat (25%), OmniPage (9%), and Readiris (4%).

Which Text Recognition Tool Is Best?online surveys

Have an text recognition trick, tip, or application to share that wasn't highlighted in the Hive Five? Let's hear about it in the comments. Have an idea for the next Hive Five? Drop us a line at with "Hive Five" in the subject line.


Microsoft Research: Buttons Beat Multitouch Mouse [Microsoft]


Microsoft Research: Buttons Beat Multitouch MouseMicrosoft carried out some exhaustive research into the benefits of multitouch-enabled desktop mice over traditional desktop mice. And discovered there aren't really any benefits at all for most users, who prefer the speed offered by mechanical buttons and wheels.

The end result of the survey found that the traditional three button mouse was the quickest and easiest way for its 12 participants to navigate around and manipulate images on a screen, even when the test subjects could see their individual finger touches represented above their selections.

Here are the researchers in action:

Using the right button to rotate and the scroll wheel to scale pics won in terms of speed, and even when using the multitouch features users reverted to the old-fashioned "click and hold" technique for throwing pictures around the screen—because it's simply easier to move one finger at a time than two. [Microsoft via I Started Something]


SweetSearch Finds Credible, Primary Sources for Students [Research]


SweetSearch Finds Credible, Primary Sources for StudentsGoogle's a really big sandbox to be digging through if you're looking for only the most legitimate material for a research paper. SweetSearch ranks up primary sources and credible sites, like universities and public repositories, for students looking to narrow their search.

SweetSearch came about as the byproduct of making findingDulcinea, an aggregator that terms itself the "Librarian of the Internet." It's a database of about 35,000 web sites vetted by researchers, librarians, and teachers, with priority given to spots like the Library of Congress, Smithsonian, and other public and academic sources. It sweeps away the pseudo-science, forums, and sites that read like paraphrased summaries.

SweetSearch offers their best pitch in a blog post for how their engine beats Google for scholarly stuff.

Aside from Google Scholar, where else should students look when they're looking to do some deep digging on the web?


Palm WebOS 2.0: Now This Is Multitasking [Palm]


Palm WebOS 2.0: Now This Is MultitaskingWebOS 2.0. It's really happening, and it's coming soon. Amidst the turmoil and the headlines and the doom-dropping, Palm's been busy: WebOS 2.0 looks like it'll be better than the original in basically every way.

Right now, Palm's only talking about the new developer features, but you definitely can start to get a sense of what the new user features are. It's clear they've thought deeply about how to extend the OS and make it more powerful, which is the main focus of the new developer tools and features. So, here's what's new, in a nutshell.

• Stacks
Take Palm's fantastic card metaphor—which might be the best multitasking UI on any phone—and bump it to the next logical level. Stacks automatically sorts cards into groups, so it's easier to manage a dozen open apps. For instance, if you click a link in an email, it'll open the browser in a card in that same stack. And you can arrange and re-arrange cards into stacks however you want. The net effect seems like it'll be an even more elegant and usable way to multitask, if stacks is implemented right.

• Just Type
Palm's renamed universal search, so now it's called "Just Type." Which is dandy and all, but what's really new is that developers can plug into it—so it can search within apps, locally or online (think searching for music in Spotify, that's either cached locally or on the interwebs). And there's something new called Quick Actions, which lets you do things without even launching an app, like update your status on Twitter or Facebook; search through a favorite website; or start writing an email or text. Plus, you can "define your own Quick Actions," which Palm says will let you do stuff like create shopping lists or set reminders. We'll see how powerful the feature really is, but the potential seems pretty fantastic.

• Developers can tap Synergy
Developers will be able to connect to Synergy, Palm's cloud-y service that stored all of your contacts and calendars and made the whole integrated social networking stuff work. What that means that they'll be able to tap your Synergy-stored contacts, calendars and messages, and later on, be able to use Synergy to connect to an app's services, like an IM network or online contact list.

• Exhibition
Basically, apps will be able to display stuff on the phone when it's connected to a Touchstone charger, like stocks or news or whatever, turning it into a little widget machine, like a Chumby. Clever, and logical.

• HTML5, Javascript Services and PDK Plug-ins
All of this stuff is really for developers, but if you wanna bottom line it, it means way more powerful apps.

The new PDK architecture means devs will be able to use Palm's PDK like a true plug-in, so apps can mix web technologies and C/C++, which'll let an app be written with mostly lightweight web stuff but still run heavy duty graphics (also, Palm says, it'll be easier for devs to port apps, like from iOS).

HTML5 support is a big deal for WebOS, since most apps are written with web technologies. What Palm's bringing to the table is enhanced Canvas support (including image data and gradients), web storage support (local and session storage) and geolocation support and application cache, so websites can cache stuff on the phone for offline use.

Finally, Node.js is built into webOS 2.0, so devs can develop services in JavaScript, which makes the web technologies side of webOS 2.0 stronger. As part of the new webOS 2.0 APIs, it adds more background processing and other capabilities, like low-level networking and filesystem access, so even sticking with web languages to develop a webOS app, developers will have more firepower at their fingertips.

Palm isn't getting into the consumer side of webOS 2.0 yet, but based on the developer stuff, which looks pretty good, it could be interesting, to say the least. It's coming out by the end of the year for current devices—now Palm just needs a pair of ass-beating new phones to ship this on. [Palm]