Google's Goggles App Brings The Getty Museum To Life [Google]
Google Goggles is getting all museum-y on us. Google has partnered with the Getty Museum to let visitors photograph artwork with Goggles and receive a guided virtual tour in exchange.
Google Goggles, the scanning app that promises to identify everything from your soup can to your local landmark, can now pull content down from the Getty Museum's mobile website. Visitors can read about the museum's artwork and listen to commentary from artists and curators. Some characters within the painting can even come to life with lively conversation provided by Getty.
It's an interesting mix that links a mobile app with web-based content. Because the content is on the internet and not embedded in the app, it can be refreshed quickly and easily. It also works outside the museum setting. Anytime you see a work of art plastered within an advertisement, you can grab a photo and find out more about its non-marketing origins. [Google]