Thursday, September 15, 2011

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drag2share: NYC Will Have 10,000 Shared Bikes Rolling Around the Streets Next Summer [Video]


After much gnashing of teeth from city residents, NYC's transportation department has the go ahead to launch their planned bike sharing system, comprising 10,000 bikes and 600 stations that will cover much of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

The original plan was first proposed last year, and since then, the city has been working to gather support for the project. Now that they have it, they've shared more details. According to the New York Observer, here are some of the key bits of info:

• Bikes will be available 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.

• Stations will span across the city from the Upper West Side neighborhood in Manhattan out to Brooklyn neighborhoods like Greenpoint and Crown Heights.

• Portland-based Alta Bike Share is the company responsible for installing and managing the bike sharing infrastrucure.

• The first 30 minutes of any ride are expected to be free, with fees for additional time.

• An annual membership is expected to cost less than a MetroCard (which normally costs ~$100/month).

If this works out, it would be a godsend for getting between neighborhoods that aren't connected by train lines and require excessive amounts of trainhopping. I'm already excited for next summer. [Observer]

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drag2share: iMessage Probably Coming to iChat [Apple]


iMessage Probably Coming to iChatiMessage is going to take the last thing BlackBerry had going for it—unlimited messaging with delivery tracking. And now it's going to be even better, MacRumors reports, giving you access to your computer-bound friends via iChat.

This is awesome, awesome news if it pans out based on the dug up code clues (and there's no reason to think it won't). With the addition of iChat, iMessage goes from a text killer to a ubiquitous communications network. The moments when we aren't around either a phone or computer are few and far between. If iMessage spreads across both, you'll be able to hit up the people you know almost all the time. Message your buddy while he's on the train to work, then continue the conversation when he's at his desk. Bring it on. [MacRumors]

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drag2share: PC Laptop Makers Have Completely Given Up [Laptops]


PC Laptop Makers Have Completely Given UpIntel dumped $300 million into the laptop industry to buy it something it's never had before: attention. Ultrabooks sound cool, and could look beautiful while running like little thin crust pizzas of awesome. Instead, we're seeing pathetic MacBook Air clones.

What went wrong? From the floor of Intel's Developer Forum, its yearly showcase of new silicon and what it's going in, it's clear Apple's capable of a two front intellectual property war, if they choose. Cupertino thinks its designs are under attack! And they are—but they're looking in the wrong direction. Samsung's phones and tablets might share Apple's black rectangle minimalism, but the crop of black-on-silver Ultrabooks littering the floors of IDF are the real ripoff—like a heap of fake Gucci bags off eBay. Absolutely zero effort has been put into their design, beyond the labor of opening a tab of If someone replaced my own Air with one of these shams I think it'd actually take me a second to realize the switch. That is, until I realized they were counterfeits, not replicas. And it certainly wouldn't be the first time. This is only the latest wave amid years of Apple design dupe frenzy.

If Ultrabooks are going to take off—and we hope they do, and they certainly should—they're going to need to become desired objects by virtue of their own desirability. They need to stand on their own. Hijacking Apple's design department is only going to make them look like second place losers—which at this point, they already sort of are. Independent thought, independent design, and the courage to actually compete against Apple instead of bowing to it and nibbling its aluminum unibody toes will put Ultrabooks in the public eye.

I don't care about Apple's intellectual property. Let lawyers squirm in their undies about that. What I want is a wide choice of awesomely slim laptops for everyone—OS X or Windows fans alike. Samsung's proven that yes, you can indeed make a gorgeous laptop that actually outdoes Apple's anorexic chassis in some ways, all without breastfeeding from Jonny Ive's aesthetic mammary. Lenovo and Sony have also gone their own way, and done it well.

Ultrabooks mark the first time I can remember myself caring about a PC laptop for any good reason. Intel's heaped money into the project, practically begging companies to succeed. And they have a chance! These computers have terrific components, the luxury of extreme thinness and lightness, and could be paired with the phenomenal (looking) Windows 8—all in all, a super exciting bundle. But the manufacturers behind them are going to have to rustle up some ambition, some faint desire to be different from Apple. Anything else is surrender.

You can keep up with Sam Biddle, the author of this post, on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+.

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drag2share: Google Goggles Now Works Automagically on Your Android Phone [Google]


Google Goggles Now Works Automagically on Your Android PhoneThe latest version of Google Goggles will kick into action without your lazy ass doing a thing. All you have to do is enable a setting that allows Goggles to work in the background each time you take a photo.

If Goggles recognizes something, it will send you a notification. If it doesn't you'd never know it was there, except for your battery hemorrhaging power a little faster. If you want to use the latest version of Google Goggles (1.6), you need to be running Android 2.1 or newer. Download it here. [Google]

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