FocusTwist app for iOS gives you Lytro-esque refocusable images
Arqball has just released the FocusTwist app for iOS that lets you selectively focus after taking an image -- without investing $400 in a Lytro light field camera. It works by automatically taking several shots with different focus points from your iPhone's camera, delivering the best results if you hold very still and have subjects in the near foreground and far background. You can then change focus by clicking different parts of the resulting image, which is hosted on the company's server and can be shared via a link. After playing with the app ourselves for a bit (see More Coverage link), we've got to admit we're stupidly hooked -- you can grab it at the source for $1.99.
Filed under: Cellphones, Cameras, Software, Mobile, Apple
Source: Focus Twist (App Store)