Following its successful Kickstarter campaign, Adapteva flashed the production versions of its Parallella "supercomputer" boards in April, penning in a loose summer delivery date. Today, the company reports that the first "beta" units have begun winding their way to backers who pledged at the DEVELOPER, 64-CORE-PLUS and ROLF levels. Other backers should receive their boards by summer's end "after some final refinements." For those who missed the crowd-funding window, you too can get a Parallella, as Adapteva has now opened up general pre-orders for the 16-core version on its website. While all Kickstarter-bought boards will bear a Zynq-7020 SoC, new pre-orders are configured with a 7010 as standard, though you can upgrade to the 7020 should you lay down more dough. However, newcomers will be treated to "Gen-1" boards, which will offer slight improvements over earlier versions, such as reduced power consumption and an added serial port three-pin header. You'll find the basic 16-core board going for $99 over at Adapteva's store, with an expected October delivery date. The company tells us the 64-core version will also be available for public consumption, with pre-orders beginning in Q4 this year.
Filed under: Misc
Source: GitHub (Gen-1 board specs), Adapteva store
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