Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Source: http://gizmodo.com/so-many-passwords-with-so-many-stipulations-tru-1663088107

So. Many. Passwords. With. So. Many. Stipulations. [Truth Facts]



Visualizing the Notes Played in Songs on a Piano-Turned-Histogram

Source: http://gizmodo.com/visualizing-the-notes-played-in-songs-on-a-piano-turned-1663085004

Visualizing the Notes Played in Songs on a Piano-Turned-Histogram

Ever wondered how many times a certain note gets played during the course of a song? Well this tool developed by Joey Cloud lets you visualize the number of times each note is played on a histogram—that happens to look exactly like the piano keyboard it represents.



drag2share: Plug-in turns your browsing history into a searchable database

source: http://www.engadget.com/2014/11/25/fetching-plug-in-browser-history/?utm_source=Feed_Classic_Full&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Engadget&?ncid=rss_full

Some apps make it easy to delete your browsing history for the sake of privacy and security. This one called Fetching, however, does the opposite: it saves a comprehensive copy of your history for years to come. What for? Well, searching random words on Google doesn't always return the results you want, and a browser's native history could be a useless jungle of websites. You can use this app to search only among websites you've browsed in the past and find that particularly interesting feature you've read or that great deal you've come across. Fetching, created by a developer named Peter Brown who works on it in his spare time alone, lives in the computer as a browser plug-in.

The service has two versions to choose from. If you use Mac, you'll have the option to save data in your own hard drive or SSD, so nobody else can access it (besides nosy family members, that is). But if you use Windows or any other platform, you'll have to make do with the cloud version for now. Both raise valid security concerns, though, as hackers could infiltrate Fetching's servers and individual Mac computers. If they get in, they'll have years' worth of browsing history all saved and ready for the taking. That said, you can always disable the plug-in and delete the data you've stored anytime you want. Plus, Fetching doesn't save anything opened in an incognito or private tab, so you may want to start using the feature if you decide to install the app.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Bizarre Story Behind Last Night's Craigslist Hack

Source: http://gizmodo.com/the-bizarre-story-behind-last-nights-massive-craigslist-1662742826

The Bizarre Story Behind Last Night's Craigslist Hack

If you tried to visit Craigslist late Sunday night, you probably had a very weird experience. Instead of arriving at that sultry sea of classifieds, you were probably sent to DigitalGangster.com. Then, you were likely redirected to YouTube, where a very strange animated rap video filled your ears with lyrics about freedom, privacy, and net neutrality.



A new project promises to turn your iPhone into a VR headset

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2014/11/24/pinc-vr-iphone-indiegogo/

Thanks to accessories like Google Cardboard and Samsung's Gear VR, using a smartphone to enter a virtual reality world has become relatively simple. However, those options have the limitation of being available to use only with Android, leaving iOS users wondering what it would be like to access something similar on their device. Here's where a new Indiegogo campaign comes in. Pinć VR is a novel peripheral which, along with a companion application, can morph your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus into a virtual reality headset (similar to what Gear VR does with the Galaxy Note 4).

But Pinć VR does more than that, since it comes with two digital finger rings that let you perform multi-touch gestures and control elements around you. Cordon, the firm behind the project, says the idea with Pinć was to build it on "the concept of spatial computing," as it looks to make it possible (and easy) for iOS users to experience immersive VR. The Indiegogo page just went live yesterday, so there's still plenty of time for you to pitch in -- a $99 contribution is enough to, if all goes according to plan, get your very own in due time.

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Source: Indiegogo (Pinć VR)